
Is Wendy Williams Dating? She Denies Having a New Boyfriend

She’s setting the record straight. On The Wendy Williams Show on May 14, Wendy Williams addressed the speculation that she has a new boyfriend amid her divorce from her longtime husband, Kevin Hunter. Spoiler alert: she doesn’t have one! But that doesn’t mean the talk show host isn’t dating. Watch the video above to see what she had to say.

Wendy, 54, told her audience, “I am a single woman running around New York … Come on, now. You don’t just throw away 25 years lock, stock, and barrel.” She was probably referring to her marriage to Kevin, 46, whom she filed for divorce from in April. They were married for nearly 22 years.

Wendy continued, “I’ve got to tell you something right now. As a mature almost single woman … I will tell you this: we do have our son. And he is away in college … He’s home for college break. He sees me, he sees his dad. I go out a lot because I’m a good time girl. I like to have fun. I’m right now a young and pretty New York City girl. I have the ultimate bachelorette pad, high atop everything … And I don’t have a boyfriend but I must admit I am rediscovering my love of men. And, you know transparency — I do date. I date pretty often.” There you have it, folks.

On the Thursday, May 9 episode of The Wendy Williams Show, Wendy slammed women who help married men cheat, which raised a few eyebrows because of the rumors that her own ex had an alleged long-term mistress, Sharina Hudson. While discussing an interview Ayesha Curry did with Jada Pinkett Smith for Red Table Talk, Wendy said, “There are a lot of women with no respect for a marriage. You know what I’m saying? A lot of women who know your man is married and will have the nerve to be right up under him right under your nose.” Think she’s got some experience with this particular topic? Anyway, we think it’s safe to say that even if Wendy is dating around like she says she is, married men are decidedly not on her radar.


Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2024-05-21