
How to update the prisma in a production docker instance?

I have a node.js application that I run on EC2, and I have that application running on production. After a while, I update the database(schema) by creating another table, how can I also run the migration on the docker container after I update the latest docker image and create a new container from that image without deleting the data but just applying the migration?

That is the dockerfile:

# Use an official Node.js runtime as the base image FROM node:16.15.1-alpine as builder # Set the working directory in the container WORKDIR /app # Copy the package.json and package-lock.json files to the container COPY package*.json ./ # Install project dependencies RUN npm install # Copy the rest of the application code to the container COPY . . # Generate the Prisma client RUN npx prisma generate # Expose the port on which your Node.js application will listen EXPOSE 4500 # Set the command to run your Node.js application CMD ["npm", "start"] 

1 Answer

Your Dockerfile currently generates the Prisma client, but it does not run the Prisma migrations, which are necessary to update the database schema.

Running such a step at build time seems not a good practice at it would look like:

docker build --build-arg DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/mydb \ -t my-app . 

With your Dockerfile including ARG DATABASE_URL. And... that means your credentials are embedded in the Docker image layer, visible through any docker inspect.

Another approach would be to make the migration at runtime, when starting the container.


  • you have a backup in place, and that
  • your database is already accessible and that
  • the required environment variables for Prisma to connect to your database are provided at build time.

Then you can use a Docker entrypoint script that runs when your Docker container is started. That script can first run the migrations, then start your application.
I am using migrate status, but be aware this command is not supported on MongoDB. Use db push instead.

#!/bin/sh MIGRATION_STATUS=$(npx prisma migrate status) if echo "$MIGRATION_STATUS" | grep -q "Database schema is up to date"; then echo "No migrations needed." else echo "Running migrations..." npx prisma migrate deploy fi npm start 

Then in your Dockerfile:

# Use an official Node.js runtime as the base image FROM node:16.15.1-alpine as builder # Set the working directory in the container WORKDIR /app # Copy the package.json and package-lock.json files to the container COPY package*.json ./ # Install project dependencies RUN npm install # Copy the rest of the application code to the container COPY . . # Generate the Prisma client RUN npx prisma generate # Copy the entrypoint script into the container COPY / RUN chmod +x / # Expose the port on which your Node.js application will listen EXPOSE 4500 # Set the entrypoint script as the command to run ENTRYPOINT ["/"] 

You are passing the DATABASE_URL when running the container, and the migration step is run at that time, just before your application starts:

docker run -e DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/mydb -d my-app 

And on the next schema update, you do not have to build a new image.

But the npx maybe will not be recognized as a command

That is a valid point. If the Node.js environment is not properly set up or if the PATH environment variable is not correctly configured, npx may not be recognized as a command inside your container.

In your Dockerfile, you are using node:16.15.1-alpine as your base image, which already includes Node.js and npm.

By default, Node.js and npm binaries should be added to your PATH in the node:16.15.1-alpine Docker image.
If you encounter the "npx: command not found" error, try checking the PATH environment variable inside your container. You could do this by adding the following command to your Dockerfile:

RUN echo $PATH 

That will print out the PATH variable during the Docker build process, allowing you to verify that the Node.js binary directory is included.



Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-21