
Execute Order 66 The Infamous Star Wars Quote

Order 66. A phrase that strikes fear into the hearts of Star Wars fans and echoes throughout the galaxy far, far away. This infamous quote, uttered by Emperor Palpatine, signifies a dark turning point in the saga, forever changing the course of the Jedi Order and the Star Wars universe as we know it.

Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, was a top-secret contingency order that marked all Jedi as traitors and authorized their execution by the Grand Army of the Republic. This sinister command was implanted into the minds of the clone troopers through behavioral modification biochips, leaving them little choice but to carry out this devastating directive.

With the activation of Order 66, countless Jedi fell at the hands of their own once-loyal clone trooper comrades. The Jedi Order was decimated, leading to the rise of the Galactic Empire under the rule of Emperor Palpatine.

Join us as we delve into the origins, execution, and aftermath of Order 66, exploring the profound impact it had on the Star Wars universe and the enduring legacy it leaves behind.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Order 66 was a secret protocol created by the Sith to eliminate the Jedi Order.
  • The activation and execution of Order 66 resulted in the deaths of numerous Jedi.
  • Surviving Jedi such as Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi went into hiding to continue the fight against the Empire.
  • Some clone troopers were able to resist Order 66 and played key roles in aiding Jedi survivors.
  • Order 66 serves as a cautionary tale of corruption and blind obedience in the Star Wars universe.

The Origins of Order 66

Order 66, one of the most infamous and devastating events in the Star Wars universe, was not a spontaneous act, but rather a meticulously planned and executed strategy by the Sith to eliminate the Jedi Order. Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord also known as Emperor Palpatine, was the mastermind behind this secret protocol. The Sith saw the Jedi as a threat to their plans for ultimate power and desired their complete eradication.

To implement Order 66, the Sith relied on the clone troopers, who were programmed with behavioral modification biochips. These biochips ensured unwavering loyalty and obedience to the orders given by their Sith masters. Hidden within the clones’ brains, these biochips were undetectable to the Jedi until it was too late.

“Execute Order 66.”

With the activation of Order 66, the clones turned against their Jedi Generals without hesitation. This treacherous act led to the deaths of countless Jedi across the galaxy, resulting in the near-extinction of the Jedi Order. The Sith’s scheme had been executed flawlessly, and the balance of power shifted in their favor.

Jedi OrderSith
Believed in maintaining peace and harmony in the galaxySought absolute power and control
Trained in the ways of the Force to maintain balanceExploited the dark side of the Force to gain power
Protectors of justice and defenders of the weakManipulators and conquerors

Order 66 stands as a chilling testament to the Sith’s cunning and their willingness to sacrifice entire civilizations to achieve their goals. It forever changed the course of the Star Wars universe, plunging it into darkness and setting the stage for the rise of the Galactic Empire.

Activation and Execution of Order 66

Order 66, one of the most infamous moments in Star Wars history, was not just a phrase, but a devastating command that changed the course of the galaxy. This section delves into how Order 66 was activated and executed during the climactic events of the Clone Wars.

Emperor Palpatine, the Sith Lord also known as Darth Sidious, was the mastermind behind the activation of Order 66. With his ultimate plan to eradicate the Jedi Order and solidify his Sith rule, Palpatine utilized the behavioral modification biochips implanted in the clone troopers’ brains. He transmitted the command through a broadcast, compelling the clones to turn against their Jedi Generals and execute them without question. This calculated move shattered the trust between the Jedi and their clone trooper allies, plunging the galaxy into darkness.

The activation of Order 66 unleashed a wave of devastation as the clone troopers relentlessly pursued and eliminated the Jedi. Fueled by their conditioning and belief in the Jedi’s betrayal, the clones carried out their executions with unwavering loyalty, even at the cost of their own lives. The once harmonious relationship between Jedi and clone troopers was shattered in an instant, leaving countless Jedi dead in its wake.

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The Devastating Impact

The execution of Order 66 had far-reaching consequences that reverberated throughout the Star Wars universe. It marked the end of the noble Jedi Order as it was known, pushing the surviving Jedi into hiding and scattering their ranks. The balance between the light side and dark side of the Force tipped heavily in favor of the Sith, and the Galactic Empire emerged from the ashes of the Republic.

However, not all clone troopers followed through with Order 66. Some, like Clone Commander Rex, defied their programming and stood alongside the Jedi, fighting against the Empire. These individuals became vital allies to the surviving Jedi, forming unlikely alliances in their ongoing struggle against tyranny.

Order 66: A Dark Legacy

The legacy of Order 66 continued to cast a long shadow over the Star Wars universe. It served as a haunting reminder of the corruption that can infiltrate even the most honorable institutions and the dangers of blind obedience. The execution of this order forever changed the destiny of the Jedi and the fate of the galaxy, leaving an indelible mark on its history.

Aftermath of Order 66 for the Jedi

After the execution of Order 66, the Jedi Order faced a devastating aftermath. The majority of Jedi were brutally killed by their former clone trooper allies, leaving only a handful of survivors. Jedi Masters Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Kanan Jarrus managed to escape the purge, but they were forced to go into hiding to evade capture and continue their fight against the Sith.

The Great Jedi Purge, as it came to be known, resulted in the Jedi Order being scattered and severely weakened. The loss of their comrades and the destruction of their ancient organization left the surviving Jedi in a state of grief and uncertainty. They were pursued relentlessly by the Empire, who sought to eliminate any remaining trace of the once-mighty Jedi.

“The dark times have come. We must go into hiding, split up. We cannot let Palpatine succeed in his efforts to eradicate us completely. Our hope lies in secrecy, in waiting for the time when we can strike back,” Yoda said to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, as they made their plans to survive and continue the Jedi’s mission.

The surviving Jedi, though greatly outnumbered and outgunned, remained committed to their cause. They formed a small underground network, working to protect and rescue Force-sensitive individuals from the clutches of the Empire. They also sought to preserve the ancient Jedi teachings, passing them on to future generations to ensure that the light side of the Force would not be extinguished.

The aftermath of Order 66 marked a dark chapter in Jedi history, but it also ignited a spark of hope. The surviving Jedi, driven by their unwavering dedication to the Jedi way, became symbols of resistance and inspiration for those who opposed the Sith and the Empire. Their actions would shape the course of the galaxy and lay the foundation for the eventual downfall of the Sith regime.

The Jedi Council Survivors

YodaGrand MasterSurvived
Obi-Wan KenobiJedi KnightSurvived
Ahsoka TanoJedi PadawanSurvived
Kanan JarrusJedi KnightSurvived

Aftermath of Order 66 for the Clones

While Order 66 was primarily aimed at eliminating the Jedi, it also had implications for the clone troopers. Those who executed the order without question continued to serve the newly established Galactic Empire. However, some clone troopers, such as Clone Commander Rex, were able to resist the effects of their biochips and chose not to carry out Order 66. These troopers played key roles in aiding Jedi survivors and fighting against the Empire.

The aftermath of Order 66 left the clone troopers grappling with conflicting emotions. Many were indoctrinated to view the Jedi as traitors, and their loyalty shifted to the Empire. They continued to serve, albeit under a different command structure. Others, like Rex, questioned the validity of their programming and chose to defy the order. These troopers formed a rare alliance with the Jedi, working together to undermine the Empire and seek justice for their fallen comrades.

However, not all clone troopers were fortunate enough to resist the control of their biochips. The majority blindly followed through with the execution of Order 66, which had a lasting impact on their psyche. These troopers were confronted with the harsh reality that their actions led to the deaths of the Jedi and the collapse of the order they were engineered to protect. The burden of guilt and betrayal weighed heavily on their shoulders, forever altering their perception of themselves and their purpose.

Notable Clone Troopers

Several clone troopers stood out amidst the chaos of Order 66, their actions leaving a lasting impact on the Star Wars universe. One notable figure was Clone Commander Rex, who not only defied the order but also played a crucial role in aiding Jedi General Ahsoka Tano and other survivors. His loyalty to his comrades and his unwavering determination to do what was right made him a symbol of hope in the face of adversity.

Another noteworthy character was Clone Captain Gregor, who fought alongside the rebels during the early days of the Galactic Civil War. Despite suffering from memory loss, Gregor’s innate sense of duty and loyalty drove him to assist the rebels in their fight against the Empire. His willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good exemplified the resilience and bravery of the clone troopers who defied their programming.

The story of the clone troopers after Order 66 is a complex and fascinating one. It explores themes of identity, loyalty, and free will, raising thought-provoking questions about the nature of humanity and the consequences of blind obedience. The clones’ struggles and choices serve as a reminder that even in the midst of darkness, individuals have the power to choose their path and stand up against injustice.

Legacy of Order 66

The execution of Order 66 left a lasting legacy in the Star Wars universe. This dark chapter in the galaxy’s history served as a symbol of the Jedi’s downfall and the Sith’s triumph. The memory of Order 66 haunted the surviving Jedi and became a cautionary tale for future generations, reminding them of the dangers of corruption and the need to remain vigilant.

Throughout the years, Order 66 continued to hold significant meaning. It stood as a stark reminder of the consequences of blind obedience and the power of manipulation. The protocol’s legacy was kept alive within the Empire, ensuring that any potential Jedi or sympathizers would be relentlessly hunted down and eliminated.

“Do or do not, there is no try.”

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As the years passed, Order 66 became synonymous with tragedy, betrayal, and the loss of the Jedi Order. The phrase “Execute Order 66” resonated with fans, serving as a chilling reminder of the clone troopers’ blind obedience and the devastating consequences that followed.

Legacy in Popular Culture

Order 66 also left its mark on popular culture, inspiring numerous fan creations such as memes, artwork, and fan theories. The phrase “Do it” became a catchphrase associated with the Star Wars franchise, often used in humorous and creative ways.

Order 66 MemesDescription
do it star wars meme 1A meme featuring Yoda with the caption “Do it, you must.”
do it star wars meme 2An image of Emperor Palpatine with the caption “Do it. Execute Order 66.”
do it star wars meme 3A humorous meme portraying Darth Vader ordering a pizza with “Do it” as the topping.

These memes and fan creations continue to showcase the lasting impact of Order 66 on the Star Wars fandom, demonstrating how this dark moment in the saga’s history has become ingrained in popular culture.

Notable Victims of Order 66

Order 66, one of the most infamous events in the Star Wars saga, resulted in the tragic loss of countless Jedi across the galaxy. The execution of this order claimed the lives of prominent figures within the Jedi Order, leaving a lasting impact on the galaxy and its inhabitants.

“In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side.”

Among the notable victims of Order 66 were respected Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, and Ki-Adi-Mundi. These wise and skilled Jedi were known for their leadership and bravery, yet they ultimately fell victim to the betrayal of their clone trooper allies. Even the youngest members of the Jedi Order, such as the innocent younglings training in the Jedi Temple, were not spared from the deadly execution of Order 66.

The loss of these Jedi heroes was a devastating blow to the Jedi Order and the galaxy as a whole. Their deaths signaled the end of an era and left a void in the fight against the Sith. The Jedi, once the guardians of peace and justice, were now scattered and greatly weakened, forced to go into hiding to avoid capture and continue their resistance against the newly established Galactic Empire.

The Jedi Masters who fell victim to Order 66:

NameLightsaber ColorSpeciesHomeworld
Mace WinduPurpleHumanHaruun Kal
Plo KoonBlueKel DorDorin
Aayla SecuraBlueTwi’lekRyloth

These fallen Jedi serve as a reminder of the devastating consequences of Order 66 and the lengths to which the Sith were willing to go to ensure their rule. Their sacrifice and the memory of their bravery continue to resonate throughout the Star Wars universe.

The Survivors of Order 66

Order 66, with its devastating impact on the Jedi Order, left very few survivors in its wake. However, a handful of Jedi managed to evade capture and continue their fight against the Sith. Among them were two of the most revered Jedi Masters, Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi. These seasoned warriors went into hiding, biding their time and waiting for the opportunity to strike back against the newly established Galactic Empire. Their resilience and determination to preserve the ways of the Jedi made them crucial figures in the galaxy’s future.

Another survivor of Order 66 was former Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Though she had left the Jedi Order prior to the execution of the order, she still bore witness to its devastating consequences. Ahsoka became a key ally in the fight against the Sith, utilizing her skills and knowledge to aid the remaining Jedi and other rebels. Through her courage and unwavering spirit, Ahsoka played a vital role in keeping the flame of the Jedi alive.

Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, previously known as Caleb Dume, was another Jedi who managed to survive the Great Jedi Purge. Alongside his fellow rebels, Kanan fought valiantly against the Empire, working to undermine their rule and restore hope to the galaxy. His journey from a traumatized survivor to a wise and compassionate leader exemplified the resilience of the Jedi and their enduring legacy.

Jedi Survivors of Order 66Status
Obi-Wan KenobiAlive
Ahsoka TanoAlive
Kanan Jarrus (Caleb Dume)Alive

Despite the overwhelming odds, these survivors of Order 66 stood as beacons of hope and symbols of the Jedi’s indomitable spirit. Their stories of resilience and determination continue to inspire new generations, reminding them of the power of the Force and the importance of standing up against tyranny. Through their actions, they ensured that the legacy of the Jedi would live on, even in the darkest of times.

Unforgettable Quotes from Order 66

Order 66, a pivotal moment in the Star Wars saga, is remembered for the haunting quotes that accompanied its execution. These quotes have become embedded in the collective memory of Star Wars fans, serving as reminders of the tragic events that unfolded.

One of the most chilling lines associated with Order 66 is Emperor Palpatine’s command to “Execute Order 66.” This simple yet powerful phrase encapsulates the depths of betrayal and the magnitude of the Jedi’s downfall. It has become synonymous with the dark turn of events that led to the extinction of countless Jedi across the galaxy.

“Good soldiers follow orders,” cautioned Yoda as he sensed the approaching storm. These words serve as a poignant reminder of the unwavering loyalty of the clone troopers and the extent to which they were manipulated by the Sith. It underscores the tragedy of the clones turning against their Jedi comrades and the irreversible consequences of their blind obedience.

These unforgettable quotes from Order 66 not only showcase the impact of the Sith’s grand plan but also reflect the larger themes of corruption, loyalty, and the quest for power that resonate throughout the Star Wars universe.

The Haunting Words of Order 66

Order 66, a phrase etched into the annals of Star Wars history, carries with it a weight and significance that reverberates through the galaxy. These haunting words, spoken by Emperor Palpatine, forever changed the fate of the Jedi Order and left an indelible mark on the Star Wars saga.

“Execute Order 66,” the Emperor’s chilling command, serves as a stark reminder of the treachery and betrayal that awaited the Jedi. It heralded the beginning of the end for the Jedi’s noble crusade, as they were marked for extermination by their own trusted clone troopers.

Yoda’s cautionary words, “Good soldiers follow orders,” encapsulate the tragedy of Order 66. This phrase acknowledges the unwavering loyalty of the clone troopers, who were unwittingly manipulated into becoming instruments of the Sith’s ultimate plan.

These unforgettable quotes from Order 66 continue to resonate with fans, reminding us of the fragility of trust, the consequences of blind obedience, and the price paid for ultimate power in a galaxy far, far away.

The Impact of Order 66 on the Star Wars Universe

Order 66, a pivotal moment in the Star Wars universe, has had a profound and far-reaching impact on the galaxy. This clandestine protocol, enacted by the Sith to eradicate the Jedi Order, forever altered the course of history. The execution of Order 66 solidified the Sith’s control and paved the way for the rise of the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine’s rule.

The consequences of Order 66 extended well beyond the Clone Wars era, shaping the fate of characters and the galaxy for years to come. The Jedi Order, once a symbol of peace and justice, was decimated, leaving only a handful of survivors to carry on the legacy. Those who managed to evade capture went into hiding, fighting a clandestine battle against the Sith’s tyranny.

Table: The Impact of Order 66

Downfall of the Jedi OrderOrder 66 led to the systematic extermination of the Jedi, leaving the Order in ruins and greatly weakening the light side of the Force.
Emperor Palpatine’s Consolidation of PowerWith the Jedi eliminated, Emperor Palpatine seized full control of the galaxy, transforming the Republic into the oppressive Galactic Empire.
Scattered Jedi SurvivorsA small group of Jedi managed to escape the purge, going into hiding and continuing the fight against the Sith in secret.
Dark LegacyOrder 66 served as a bitter reminder of the corruption and danger of blind obedience, leaving a lasting scar on the Jedi and the galaxy as a whole.

Despite its devastating impact, Order 66 remains an enduring part of Star Wars lore. It symbolizes the triumph of evil over good and reflects the complex themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the abuse of power. The memory of Order 66 serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the dangers of unchecked authority and the need to remain vigilant against corruption.

The Enduring Significance of Order 66

Order 66, a pivotal moment in Star Wars history, continues to captivate fans worldwide. This unforgettable event, marked by Emperor Palpatine’s chilling command to “Execute Order 66,” remains etched in our minds. The resonance of this dark chapter lies in its exploration of themes like loyalty, betrayal, and the corrupting influence of power.

Years have passed since the execution of Order 66, yet its impact reverberates throughout the Star Wars universe. It serves as a constant reminder of the treacherous path the Jedi Order faced and the harrowing consequences of blind obedience. The memory of Order 66 raises questions about the true nature of loyalty and the fragile balance between power and morality.

For Star Wars enthusiasts, Order 66 is not just a memorable quote or a tragic event; it represents a deeper examination of the human condition. The enduring significance lies in its ability to spark thought-provoking conversations and inspire critical analysis. This moment has become an integral part of the Star Wars lore, fueling the imagination of fans and adding layers of complexity to the narrative.

In the realm of popular culture, memes have further cemented the enduring significance of Order 66. These humorous and thought-provoking images reflect the widespread impact of this moment and its continued relevance in the Star Wars community. From social media platforms to fan forums, the “star wars do it now meme” showcases the lasting legacy of Order 66 in the collective consciousness of fans.


What is Order 66?

Order 66, also known as Clone Protocol 66, was a top-secret contingency order that designated all Jedi as traitors and allowed for their execution by the Grand Army of the Republic.

Who created Order 66?

Order 66 was created by the Sith, specifically Darth Sidious, as a secret protocol to eliminate the Jedi Order.

How was Order 66 executed?

Order 66 was activated by Emperor Palpatine, who broadcasted the command to all clone troopers through their biochips. The clones turned against their Jedi Generals and carried out their executions.

What were the consequences of Order 66 for the Jedi?

The majority of Jedi were killed by their former clone trooper allies, leaving only a few survivors. The Great Jedi Purge was successfully carried out, leaving the Jedi scattered and greatly weakened.

What happened to the clone troopers after Order 66?

Most clone troopers continued to serve the newly established Galactic Empire after executing Order 66. However, some were able to resist the effects of their biochips and chose not to carry out the order.

What is the legacy of Order 66?

Order 66 serves as a symbol of the Jedi’s downfall and the Sith’s triumph. It had a profound impact on the Star Wars universe and continues to be a topic of discussion among fans.

Who were the notable victims of Order 66?

Order 66 claimed the lives of countless Jedi, including prominent figures such as Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, and Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Who survived Order 66?

Some Jedi, such as Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Kanan Jarrus, managed to survive and evade capture. They played crucial roles in the efforts to restore the Jedi Order and bring down the Sith.

What are some notable quotes from Order 66?

One memorable quote is Emperor Palpatine’s command to “Execute Order 66.” Another is Yoda’s warning that “Good soldiers follow orders.”

How did Order 66 impact the Star Wars universe?

Order 66 marked a turning point in the galactic conflict, leading to the fall of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Galactic Empire. It shaped the fate of characters and the galaxy for years to come.

Why is Order 66 still significant in Star Wars lore?

The memory of Order 66 serves as a reminder of the dark chapter in the history of the Jedi Order and the consequences of blind obedience. It continues to be a topic of analysis and discussion among fans.


Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-05-21